Sabina’s Guide to Hamburg

Working as a tour guide is a blast, many people come to me asking for recommendation on what to do, where to go, where to eat, drink etc. to help out and make everyone's time in this city as enjoyable as possible I have put this document together. Living in an era of a global …

Affordable Art Fair Hambug

It’s been almost a month since the Affordable Art Fair in Hamburg and I would like to web my thought about it on a post. I will start with answering a simple question that many of you might be asking yourselves. What is the Affordable Art Fair? The name describes the event really well, and …


Als junge Kunsthistorikerin und Museologin liebe ich es zu reisen und neue Erfahrungen zu machen. Jeder Umzug in eine neue Stadt, in ein neues Land bedeutet auch immer für mich, eine neue Kunstszene kennenzulernen. Ich habe mich erfolgreich in der Kunstwelt Kroatiens, Krakaus und Venedigs bewegt, habe dort gelebt und gearbeitet. Hamburg fand ich immer …


Being a young art historian and museologist who loves to travel and move a lot, moving to a new environment always meant getting to know a new art scene. After successfully getting familiar with the art in Croatia, Krakow and Venice while living and working there I made a decision of moving to Hamburg, Germany. …